Dear Twenties,

Thank you for being great!! Every test and trial has helped me to become the woman that I am today. It has not be all sunshine there have definitely been some rainy days. I have been broken. I have been defeated. I have been depressed and I have wanted to end it all. But by Gods grace I am still here.
Twenties along with the bad things you have given my some really good ones.
1. A renewed relationship with Christ. There was a time that I turned my back completely because of the things that I was going through. After divorce I was in a really dark place. Before the birth of my child and even during I contemplated doing some pretty bad things just to take the hurt away. I was lost and broken. But one day Jeremiah 29:11-13 came to mind and things have been different ever since. God has given me a sense of purpose. I know my l ife has meaning and plan on walking in that purpose.

2. The birth of my daughter. A sweet spirit. She is the definition of love and purity. I learn so much from her on a day to day basis. She has taught me that forgiveness is simply a choice. She brought light to my life. I thank God for trusting me to parent her.
3. My best friend. She has taught me how to be a better me. She came into my life at a time when I really had no clue what I was doing. I couldn’t see past what I wanted. She showed me through her actions how to be a better big sister to my younger siblings. She taught me that its ok to be vulnerable and selfless. I’m grateful to God for allowing our paths to cross. Some people come in our lives just when we need them, and I believe she did just that. She still ha

s to gather me up from time to time but hey, that’s what real friends do. Lol
4. A renewed relationship with my family especially my siblings. I was horrible to them growing up. I left my senior year in high school to live with my dad. I didn’t care about how it would make them feel. I wanted them to hurt the way I did. Truth is I was a spoiled brat that was jealous of my other siblings. My middle sister especially. She never did anything to me I just didn’t like her. I felt she was my moms favorite. Everyone always complimented her and in my eyes, she thought she was better than the rest of us. The crazy thing is none of that was true. It’s amazing how life humbles you and twenties you did just that. Now my family and I a closer than we have ever been. When I went through what I went through with my ex my family was right there next to me. When I went into labor my family was right there making sure my daughter and I were ok. They will fight for me and I will fight for them. So thank you twenties for giving me my family back.
5. Forgiveness. This is a more recent thing. Honestly its something that I’ve had to do recently. In my early 20s I really resented my biological father. So much so that I didn’t allow him to walk me down the isle at my wedding. I felt like he didn’t deserve it. After all he wasn’t the father I felt as though he should have been. It wasn’t until this week that I realized that he did the best that he could. Does that excuse his absence or make up for the broken promises, No. However, it does help me to see him as a human being with flaws just like me. Yes, in my opinion he can be selfish but who of us isn’t. I had to make the choice to speak my mind and forgive him at the same time. Was it easy no. As a matter of fact, I’m sure it’s going to be a day to day process, but I refuse to take anger, hurt, and bitterness into this next chapter of my life. Forgiveness is so much better.

I am grateful for you twenties. By Gods grace I started my own business. When people were telling me that I would never be anything God was telling me otherwise. Not only am I the CEO of MikaBrie Photography but I am also the CEO of The Lense Magazine. I purchased my first car without a cosigner. I’m working on my credit and so much more.
As I close this chapter of my life I can’t help but tell God Thank You! If it had not been for Him I know I would have been gone along time about. Twenties I thank you for the times we have spent together. For the highs and the lows. For the positives and the negatives. I thank you for showing me that life is so much more than what I have been living. As a look ahead to my 30s I sure hope that I’m able to put into practice everything I’ve learned in my twenties and help others along the way.