As small business owners we seem fairly put together most of the time. We work hard to make sure that you, the consumer, enjoy the products and services that we offer. We give everything that we have to bring our dreams to life. With that comes a whole lot of stress lol. There are times when we want to cry and just hide from the world. Even though we really do enjoy what we do, at times it is necessary that we take breaks from it. Whether it's a quick weekend getaway or just a night watching netflix and eating chocolate we need break time. Most people don't like to talk about the stresses and discouraging times but they do exist. Sometimes behind the smiles we are screaming HELP ME! Finding balance between work, parenting, being a spouse, and having a social life can be draining. Making sure that we meet the needs of those around us while still providing the best service possible can be stressful. But even with all of that we wouldn't give up our dreams for anything in this world. Your satisfaction means the world to us. Being able to make a difference in the lives of others makes it all worth it. Personally for me, seeing the smile on a clients face or receiving a heart warming email after a session makes it all worth it. So even on the most stressful of days I wouldn't give up being a photographer for anything in the world. The late nights are all worth it. As long as I have the Lord, my circle, and a glass of wine I'll be alright lol